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Free Psychedelic Therapy Info Session for Therapists

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Free 1-hour consultation sessions for group practices

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Have you had a powerful or challenging psychedelic experience? Do you have questions about your experience but no one with whom you can process?


We provide integration services from a harm reduction stance for those who are using psychedelic medicines and needing support. With the explosion of media coverage and academic research, more people are seeking psychedelic experiences to support their growth and mental health. Some are doing this in medical contexts (like with Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy) and others are working with underground guides, taking psychedelic medicines at home or in other settings. 


We know these experiences can be complex and nuanced. Challenging experiences can bring insight. Pleasant experiences can be tough to process from more typical states of consciousness. Often these experiences are expansive and multifaceted. Through integration services we help folks weave both the insights and challenges from their experiences into their lives as a whole. 


Integration work can be done as a part of a longer outpatient therapeutic relationship or as a short term service. 



As a mental health practice, we follow a harm reduction philosophy of substance use. We do not encourage engagement in illegal activities, including the purchase and consumption of illegal substances. We do not offer guided psychedelic experiences outside of our work with ketamine therapy, nor do we see clients who are under the influence of prohibited psychedelic substances during integration sessions.

To read more about Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration, check out this article.

To learn more about Autumn Starks, LCSW, Richard Clark, CRNA, APRN, and our work here with ketamine, click here.


1-HOUR CONSULTATIONS TO GROUP PRACTICES who would like to learn more about psychedelic-

assisted psychotherapy (PAP).


Psychedelic medicines seem to be in the news and in documentaries weekly with a lot of hope for the future and plenty of unanswered questions. 

We (Richard and Autumn) have completed a year-long certification in PAP and are currently working with clients using Ketamine as we await the FDA’s approval for other medicines. ​

Psychedelic Therapy Info Session

We are offering these informational sessions to share about what clients can access now, where the field may be heading, why we are focusing on Ketamine treatment and make space to have conversations about psychedelic medicines with other professionals. 


In our session we will share a brief presentation about PAP and dive into the work currently being done with Ketamine in clinical practice. We will also leave lots of time for questions. 


Consultations are done on Zoom and will focus on:

  • Altered states of consciousness used in therapy

  • Currently available treatments: Ketamine

  • Clients who may be a good fit for Ketamine treatment and who might not

  • Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy and why we are working with clients in this way

  • A hopeful and grounded take on psychedelic medicine

  • Q and A

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